January 7th, 2016 10:03 PMSmeagle's Canvas: Rules and GuidelinesEdited on August 7th, 2020 10:45 AM by B0sh
Here's some basic rules and guidelines for the art section of the forums! These are subject to change at any time.

- All site and forum rules apply.

- Do not steal, use, or edit artwork without the original creator's permission.

- Please be respectful when critiquing or giving feedback to artists. Accentuate the positive and be encouraging! Don't be a jerk!

- Art shops are allowed so long as they accept only on-site items, Pokemon, services, and currency. Accepting any other form of payment will be considered intersite trading.

- To avoid clutter, do not make multiple threads for the same thing. In other words, don't make a new thread for each new piece of art- just add it to your original post. Separate threads for projects (comics, for example), art shops, etc. are allowed.

- Artists are allowed to double post in their own threads so long as they have something new to add.