The Kingdom of Saltios

      Started By: Altios — Created: February 3rd, 2017 05:40 PM
February 3rd, 2017 05:40 PMThe Kingdom of Saltios
Last updated: January 1st, 2020

If you would like to contact me regarding any trades or jobs, please PM me in-game. I don't check for replies to the thread very frequently, so messaging me directly would get you a much faster response. link

I. Trading
II. Training
III. Mining/Smelting
IV. Misc.

Things I am looking for:
- Legendary Pokémon (Birds, specifically)
- Shiny Pokémon (Ones that I don't currently own)
- Event Pokémon
- Past Soulless/Spirit Pokémon
- Rare Candies (I'm paying $5,000 per candy) Currently not buying any.
- Soulless Tickets (I'm paying $1,500 per ticket) Currently not buying any.
- Mystery Boxes (I'm paying $2,000 per box)
- Lucky Egg+ ($10,000 per 600 battles)

Things I am not looking for:
- High Levels (I will trade for these but I do not value the EXP. to be worth much)
- Evolved Pokémon (In my opinion, it usually degrades the value)
- Map Pokémon (Very few exceptions)
- Items (Only looking for the ones above)

I am no longer going to try keeping up with my box in this thread, but I do somewhat regularly update my trade interests. If something is marked FT, it is likely for trade. If it's marked NFT, please don't ask me about it.

Regarding items, you can assume that everything is FT, although I would like to keep one of each Arceus plate. Aside from that, anything goes I guess.

..and that's the end of the post.

February 3rd, 2017 05:40 PMRE: The Kingdom of Saltios
I. Trading
II. Training
III. Mining/Smelting
IV. Misc.

Quote by [TM06] Altios
Training FAQs
Q. What do you train with?
A. I use a ShinyKyogre (Primal) with an EXP. Share+ attached to whatever I am currently training.

Q. What do you train against?
A. Most of the time I do Pokédex Challenge.

Q. How fast can you train?
A. Pokédex Challenge rates with my Kyogre allow for upwards of over 50b exp an hour. My average pace would likely be around 40b exp, however.

With that said, my current rate is $800 per 1 billion (1,000,000,000) EXP. I am aware that some other players may charge less than me, but my speedy service is what keeps people coming back!

Of course, Pokémon and Item prizes will vary in value, see my Trading post to figure out what I am currently looking for. I don't mind being given deadlines (I actually prefer having some time constraint so I don't procrastinate getting it done), so feel free to give me one. Be reasonable though, I likely won't do more than 200b exp per day.

..and that's the end of the post. I will be logging all of my jobs as I get/complete them.

Total EXP. from jobs in 2018: ~1,525,600,000,000
Total EXP. from jobs in 2019: ~2,831,900,000,000
Total EXP. from jobs in 2020: ~440,000,000,000

Current Job:

Pending Job(s):

Completed Jobs:
1346 / Bear - CosmicHoundour (1,276-1,386)
1346 / Bear - CosmicHoundour (1,516-1,565)

Training log from 2018 to now: Click!

February 3rd, 2017 05:41 PMRE: The Kingdom of Saltios
If i'm busy with mining or smelting jobs and you need something done, check out Nova's thread for mining and smelting services. Our rates are pretty similar. link

I. Trading
II. Training
III. Mining/Smelting
IV. Misc.

There isn't a lot of meat to this post, but yeah. I can mine and smelt every ore. Rates are in the following links, numbers are subject to change whenever I feel fit, but I have stuck by these for a while now. Ores | Bars

..and that's the end of the post. I will be logging all of my jobs as I get/complete them.

Current Job:

Pending Job(s):

Completed Jobs:
183 / Aegi (100,000 Lead Ore)
8 / Demon (455,000 Uranium Bars)
1979 / Sync (553,000 Obsidian Ore)
13295 / Dashuri (85,000 Palladium Bars)

February 3rd, 2017 05:49 PMRE: The Kingdom of Saltios
I. Trading
II. Training
III. Mining/Smelting
IV. Misc.

My exchange rates:
BP = $3 each
Minigame Points = $5k per 1,000,000 MGP
LOL Coins = $25 each

Although cash is the main exchange rate, if you have something that i'm looking for (see my trading post), I will be willing to work out a deal for that.

..and that's the end of the post. I will be logging all of my jobs as I get/complete them.

Current Job:

Pending Job(s):

Completed Jobs:
28 / MetroBoomin - 1x Lucky Egg (6,000)
16 / Gronk - 1x ShinyGenesect
16 / Gronk - 10,000,000 Minigame Points
10427 / Tyizor - 1x Shaymin
10427 / Tyizor - 10,000,000 Minigame Points
76 / Lial - 10,000,000 Minigame Points
10427 / Tyizor - 1x ForestEntei
10823 / Tranquility - 16,000,000 Minigame Points
10823 / Tranquility - 9,000,000 Minigame Points
4840 / Keaton - 21,000 BP
28 / Maz - 1x Lucky Egg (60,000)
27 / Marnie - 1x ShinyMeloetta (Aria)
11828 / Travisnub - 17,000 BP

February 3rd, 2017 07:54 PMRE: The Kingdom of Saltios
how much for a lucky egg 10k?
February 3rd, 2017 07:55 PMRE: The Kingdom of Saltios
u wot

February 3rd, 2017 08:02 PMRE: The Kingdom of Saltios
I want regice I have forest and cloud poke from events and amultecoin+
So what do you want for it?
February 3rd, 2017 08:31 PMRE: The Kingdom of Saltios
I didn't see anything that I liked, sorry.

February 3rd, 2017 09:06 PMRE: The Kingdom of Saltios
Pokémon: Forest Mudkip
Starting Level: 5
Finish Level: 127
Deadline (will cost more): None
Prize(s): x3 alumite coin +(100), and $400

Heracross sprite was made by Nerdyvulpix:)

*I have quit, might see me login at random times*
February 3rd, 2017 09:08 PMRE: The Kingdom of Saltios
Looks good to me. Added to the list