February 14th, 2025 12:09 AMYou are an X that goes on a quest.
Oh, and the quest is to compete for some sweet prizes.

Wait a minute.. There was a news post with this exact title almost 3 years ago. We'll use that as a convenient end date for the following announcement:

Hey TPK, it's been a while since we've had any spur of the moment events like this (I believe the last one was Spellathon 2020.) The goal of this is to encourage people to try to push for some new high scores on the X-Quest leaderboards as well as possibly reach higher tiers of their achievements. I have created a list of tasks for everyone to earn rewards from as well as some optional bounties with a large reward for someone to claim. These tasks can be found on the event page, but I will list them here as well:

As a participation bonus: For every task you complete, you will earn one raffle entry for my OT SoullessCelebi. Good luck to all entrants!

Low Tier Tasks (Redeemable by all players)
Each of these tasks can be claimed once per person. Completing all six earns you EventUnownX.
[Overall] Reach Level 32: 5x Mystery Box
[Overall] Achieve a score of 2,000: 1,000 Unobtainium Ore
[Nightmare] Defeat a Carrier ship: 1,500 LOL Coins
[Any 3 Modifiers] Reach Level 15: Lucky Egg+ (1,000)
[Barebones] Activate 25 powerups: Shiny Ticket
[Incline] Reach Level 20: Amulet Coin+ (10,000)

High Tier Tasks (Redeemable by all players)
Each of these tasks can be claimed once per person. Completing all six earns you Event99999999999999999999.
[Overall] Reach Level 64: 15x Mystery Box
[Nightmare] Achieve a score of 1,500: 10x Rare Candy
[Nightmare, Survivor] Defeat a Carrier ship: 3,000 LOL Coins
[Invasion] Reach Level 20 without killing a ship: Lucky Egg+ (2,000)
[Invasion] Defeat 30 Spaceships: Nature Ticket
[Matrix] Shoot 50 spaceship bullets and die before Level 8: Amulet Coin+ (25,000)

Special Tier Tasks (Only the first player to complete each earns a reward!)
These are meant for the grinders aiming for leaderboard status. These tasks only reward the first player to complete them.
[Overall] Reach Level 70: SoullessCelebi G (Level: 100)
[Overall] Achieve a score of 7,000: SoullessCelebi G (Level: 100)
[Nightmare] Reach Level 64: SoullessCelebi G (Level: 100)
[Nightmare] Achieve a score of 4,500: SoullessCelebi G (Level: 100)
[Incline] Reach Level 64: SoullessCelebi G (Level: 100)
[Incline] Achieve a score of 6,000: SoullessCelebi G (Level: 100)

The rewards will be given out after the event ends (February 23rd 11:59PM TPK time). Good luck on your games!

That's all for now folks. Have a TPK day! ~Altios