TPK's 3rd Annual Thanksgetting

     Locked  Started By: Flatter — Created: November 9th, 2020 12:34 PM
November 9th, 2020 12:34 PMTPK's 3rd Annual ThanksgettingEdited on November 26th, 2020 12:02 AM by Flatter

Happy Thanksgivinggetting everyone!! This is the day all about getting in America and being thankful for.. you guessed it, getting! :D

To celebrate such a lovely day I've decided to host a raffle which anyone with a brain and a keyboard can enter! There is one requirement though! >_<

You must post your ID (For TPK Blue) To be entered in the raffle.
Example: Flatter - #1718

That is all! :D


1. Shmauel - #5,855
2. megariangod - #16,032
3. Lazy - #7,090
4. EvilSun - #5,155
5. kingwowhaha - #12,795
6. Kek - #11,745
7. Victim - #10,823
8. Gimbo - #12
9. NerdyVulpix - #30
10. SharpedoKing - #36
11. PacNMemes - #74
12. Seraline11 - #17,260
13. Persiebear - #64
14. NECR0 - #13,295
15. Misaka - #27
16. lotuscasino1234 - #10,601
17. Lag - #6,820
18. Soulseven7 - #2,132
19. Edgeshot - #8,170
20. Zoopa - #6
21. Light - #1,456
22. Razoof - #38
23. smbisme - #17,250
24. DareDevil - #10,030
25. Mudkipz - #17,560
26. GrimmSucks - #16,060
27. ItsVHawkYT - #791
28. TheCookieMonster - #16,162
29. Psyduck - #11,029
30. Myhu - #863
31. Wantedninjaz - #171
32. zg_- #12,776
33. Ardethbay - #41
34. Heykate - #13,336
35. ZagzigZero - #4,406
36. Red000000 - #17,239
37. Blue00000000 - #17,534
38. B0sh - #1
39. Flufferkinz - #3,889
40. SirDerpsALot - #174
41. Neph - #2,750
42. masters1 - #17,695
43. LukeSky - #12,507
44. kaithewolf - #4,582
45. NightHawk - #16,470
46. Optimus - #9,172
47. gmk02211 - #17,730
48. EclipseDragon442 - #17,607
49. Bender - #25
50. Bang - #11,427
51. Kluk - #4,968

1st: Image ShinyArceus (Normal) G (Level: 5)
2nd: ImageForestTreecko M (Level: 5) &ImageForestTreecko F (Level: 5)
3rd: Image ShinyDeerling (Spring) F (Level: 12) & Image $2,000

Everyone Else o_o: Image $2,000

Winners will be drawn on November 26th at 12am TPK time.


November 9th, 2020 12:52 PMRE: TPK's 3rd Annual Thanksgetting
Shmauel - #5855

You bought a(n) CosmicZygarde (Complete) at the price of $450,000.
November 9th, 2020 12:53 PMRE: TPK's 3rd Annual Thanksgetting
megariangod #16032
November 9th, 2020 12:58 PMRE: TPK's 3rd Annual Thanksgetting
Lazy - #7090

I am too lazy to be creative

Training Jobs
1:-Psyduck (16t) [pending] (FOREVER)

1:-AviChan (1t) [Done]
2:-Psyduck (1t) [Done]
3:-BabyXKacey (335b) [Done]
4:-Nova (400b) [Done]

1:-Psyduck (1.5t) [Done]
2:-SharpedoKing (100b) [Done]
3:-Neph (400b) [Done]

1:-Psyduck (1t) (Done)
2:-NightHawk (201b) (Done)
3:-Sharon (108b) (Active)
November 9th, 2020 12:59 PMRE: TPK's 3rd Annual Thanksgetting
EvilSun - #5155

EvilSun's Black Market

List of Map Shinies caught

Travis owes me 2.2m

Won 2018's Week of 14 April's WTA WTC
EvilSun's reached map level 1,500! - 20/04/2019
You bought ShinyDiancie! This Pokémon was bought ungendered. - 04/06/2019
EvilSun achieved Trainer Level 14! - 22/05/2020
You bought ShinyHeatran! - 29/05/2020
EvilSun reached Map Level 2,000! -24/11/2021 (only 2 years late xD)
You bought CosmicDeoxys! - 23/12/2021
November 9th, 2020 01:02 PMRE: TPK's 3rd Annual Thanksgetting
kingwowhaha - #12795

1 shiny in 20k 25k 30k catches.
2 shinies in 33.5k catches
It is as it was meant to be

Buying Normal Magikarps for $10 each
Lf E. Jirachi, 1m

3257 : 5:73:370:1171:2861:5936:11002:18776:30084:
November 9th, 2020 01:19 PMRE: TPK's 3rd Annual Thanksgetting
Kek - #11,745

November 9th, 2020 02:05 PMRE: TPK's 3rd Annual Thanksgetting
Victim - #10,823
Thx ;D

Some of the icons I've made:



DM me if you need anything!
Taking mining jobs!
November 9th, 2020 02:32 PMRE: TPK's 3rd Annual Thanksgetting
Gimbo #12

Gimbo not Gumbo

You gained a smelting level! Your smelting level is now 666.

Life owes me 250k with 30% interest
Gumbo smells

1,700,000 left from Lazy
November 9th, 2020 03:11 PMRE: TPK's 3rd Annual Thanksgetting
NerdyVulpix (ID #30)
