May 4th, 2020 10:40 PMGen 8 & More
Hey TPK,

Gen 8 is out. I know most don't read the news post, so enjoy the Pokemon! Click the red X to close me. --->
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Generation VIII

For everyone else, working on this update has taken a group effort from the staff team. I managed to write a Poke API parser, but it didn't go the final mile for Gen 8, so Altios was in charge of doing the data work for the Pokemon and the Evolutions. He also added Gen 8 to the current TPK maps (more on that later). Jess was responsible for the TPK Classic map updates which came simultaneously with this. And for me, I did a lot of the work on stream with you all. It's been really fun to be able to code with the community able to watch and have some direction in the process. I hope to do more TPK streaming in the future with whatever updates comes our way.

The poke data database is now in sync with Blue and Classic. Some people have been asking what that actually means for normal people. It really is a major change. We now have the ability to add all Pokemon from Blue in Classic, without having to worry about keeping both games up to date with Pokemon. If new Pokemon come out, or new glitches get added, they will be available in both games. It's really that simple. It does not mean everything will become available in Classic, just that there is the potential to. For example, there are no plans to add Megas to Classic, but the Pokemon now exists in the game.

The Updates

- Gen 8 and Galarian forms added to the Database
- Around 20 Gen 8 and Galarian form Pokemon added to existing maps as Rare and Ultra Rare slots.
- New Pokedex screen with generation split search and fixed sprite list with spriter credits
- Master Title Banners

Master Title Banners

If you were wondering why Starscream was recently promoted artist, this is why. Star approached me about doing these master title banners, and I told him that I love these... but you'll never do all 900 images we'd need. I guess he took that as a challenge, because he went ahead and started doing them anyway. Next thing I knew there were 300, 500, and then all master titles possible to obtain in game. Pokemon, Ores, Speedruns, everything. Right now they appear on profiles only, but soon they will be appearing more in the game, because man these things look great. Make sure you thank Star for his grind on these.

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Future Plans

Classic has been out for a month now, and with this update being the final nail in the Classic "must fix" todo list. Gimbo has mostly finished a new map for TPK Blue, so that will be coming up soon. After that I expect things to slow down as things become more stable. I'm really happy with the work on TPK the last month, so I'm gonna start putting some time again into finishing projects I dropped for the Classic launch. Hope to see you on my stream as that happens!
