Dt's Dojo

      Started By: DT — Created: March 17th, 2016 11:53 PM
March 17th, 2016 11:53 PMDt's Dojo
<div align="center"><font size="6" color="#0000CD">DT's Trading Center</font></div><div align="center"><font size="1" color="#ADC9FA">I will not offer nor rate.
I will check your thread/your account.
LF: Coloured Zoruas/Charmander/Abras/Riolu/Groudon/Ray/Gible.
My PM's are another means of communication.

<div align="center"><font size="5" color="#00FF7F">Currently Open.</font></div>

<font size="3" color="#BCC6CC">Shiny Pokemon:</font>
<font size=2" color="#BCC6CC">ShinyBagon M (Level: 5)
ShinyBagon F (Level: 5)
ShinyFoongus F (Level: 5)
ShinyMinun M (Level: 5)
ShinySlugma F (Level: 5)
ShinySmeargle M (Level: 5)
ShinySmeargle M (Level: 5)
ShinySmeargle M (Level: 5)
ShinySmeargle F (Level: 5)
ShinySpoink F (Level: 5)
ShinySpoink F (Level: 5)
ShinySudowoodo F (Level: 5)
ShinySudowoodo F (Level: 5)
ShinySudowoodo F (Level: 5)
ShinyTyrogue M (Level: 5)

<font size="3" color="#000000">Soulless Pokemon:</font>
<font size=2" color="#000000">SoullessAerodactyl F (Level: 150)
SoullessAbsol F (Level: 554)
SoullessBonsly Female (Level: 17)
SoullessElekid F (Level: 5)
SoullessExeggcute M (Level: 13)
SoullessGible F (Level: 5)
SoullessNidoran♂ M (Level: 6)
SoullessPansear Male (Level: 305)
SoullessPidgey F (Level: 6)
SoullessQwilfish M (Level: 101)
SoullessQwilfish F (Level: 8)
SoullessRalts M (Level: 5)
SoullessRoggenrola M (Level: 33)
SoullessRoggenrola M (Level: 32)
SoullessRoggenrola F (Level: 30)
SoullessRoggenrola F (Level: 36)
SoullessRoggenrola M (Level: 32)
SoullessStunky M (Level: 6)
SoullessStunky M (Level: 4)
SoullessSudowoodo Female (Level: 10)
SoullessVulpix F (Level: 5)
SoullessWingull M (Level: 4)

<font size="3" color="034207">Forest Pokemon:</font>
<font size=2" color="034207">ForestEevee M (Level: 5)
ForestGarchomp F (Level: 2,640)
ForestHoundour F (Level: 5)
ForestOnix M (Level: 5)

<font size="3" color="9BEBF4">Cloud Pokemon:</font><font size=2" color="9BEBF4">
CloudGastly Female (Level: 5)
CloudHappiny Female (Level: 1,010)
CloudLapras M (Level: 5)
CloudPichu M (Level: 5)
CloudSneasel Female (Level: 286)

<font size="3" color="#E0FFFF">Spirit Pokemon:</font><font size=2" color="#E0FFFF">
SpiritChespin M (Level: 56)
SpiritFroakie M (Level: 59)
SpiritGulpin F (Level: 50)
SpiritTropius M (Level: 54)

<font size="3" color="#8B008B">Other:</font><font size=2" color="#8B008B">
Flareon Male (Level: 1,210)

<font size="3" color="#FFDF00">I have the following cash to spend on pokes/items :</font><font size=2" color="#FFDF00">
1,000,000,000 (1.5b)
March 17th, 2016 11:54 PMRE: Dt's Dojo
<div align="center"><font size="6" color="#0000CD">DT's Training Center</font></div><div align="center"><font size="1" color="#ADC9FA">Reasonable time limits will be met
I will check your thread/your account
My PM's are another means of communication

<div align="center"><font size="5" color="#00FF7F">Currently Semi Open.</font></div>

<font size="3" color="#8000C0">I accept the following prizes:</font><font size="2" color="#8000C0">
-Colored Pokes
-Lucky Eggs
-Cash (25m/b)
-Items, such as soulless tickets, rare candies, and mystery boxes

<font size="3" color="EEFF07">Please fill out this form:</font>
<font size="2" color="EEFF07">Username:
Pokemon to be trained:
Current level:
Desired level:

<font size="5" color="#00FFFF">Current Jobs:</font> <font size="3" color="#FF0000"><font size="1" color="#000000">
Note: Red means not started and light green means currently working on</font>
None<font size="2" color="#FF0000">
~Prize: N/A </font>

<font size="3" color="D4EBEE">Previous Jobs:
<font size="1" color="#D4EBEE">Xmex's Sl. Bellsprout 4277-4385(6b)
~Prize: 120m
Jay's Sy. Electivire 2700-3000 (7.3b)
~Prize: 140m
Jim's Cl.Blissey 3069-3500 (14b)
~Prize: Free
Jay's Forest Charizard 3500-3777 (11b)
~Prize: Sl. Garchomp 2k and Sy.Dratini
GrimReaper's Cl. Slaking 4720-5000 & Fr. Scyther 3680-3911(30b)
~Prize: Sl.Riolu
Doflamingo's Sy.Deoxy 3850-4001 (7b)
~Prize: Sl. Fletching, Hawlucha, Poochyena, Pidove, and Frillish
Chaoz's Sl. Bellsprout 4564-4673 (7b)
~Prize: Sy.Zorua
Altios' Sl. Bagon 5662-5735 (7b)
~Prize: Sp. Gulpin and Sl. Ralts
Neph's Shiny Cobalion 2835-3356(15b)
~Prize: 362m
Jim's Cl. Blissey 5400-5500 (9b)
~Prize: None</font></font>
May 11th, 2016 03:19 AMRE: Dt's Dojo
Update: Training Center is now opened! Also updated the trading list.
June 12th, 2016 09:41 PMRE: Dt's Dojo
362m for 15b?

June 12th, 2016 10:07 PMRE: Dt's Dojo

Quote by Aerox
362m for 15b?

June 18th, 2016 06:19 AMRE: Dt's Dojo
Soulles Rogenrolla price? 10m?
June 18th, 2016 12:14 PMRE: Dt's Dojo

Quote by DemonBalor
Soulles Rogenrolla price? 10m?

Not selling anything. Sorry!