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Post Count: 15
Join Date: Nov 2016 |
April 16th, 2019 11:31 AM —
lf feebas (and other stuff)
Things that I'm looking for: • ShinyFeebas* • SoullessFeebas • Large amounts of training • Large sums of money ($100,000+) *I am paying $500,000, or equivalent value if I am out of money. FAQ about how to get ShinyFeebas is at the bottom of the post Disclaimers: • I don't know the rates for most of my box • I most likely won't trade for other pokemon (besides my list) • I would prefer not to sell individual pokemon unless it is for a good price, or worth more than $100,000 Otherwise, here is my box: Normal Legends Regice G (Level: 40) x2 Regice G (Level: 75) Articuno G (Level: 5) Giratina (Alter) G (Level: 100) Arceus (Normal) G (Level: 5) Cobalion G (Level: 100) Terrakion G (Level: 5) x3 Virizion G (Level: 5) x2 Magearna G (Level: 5) (?) Pidgey (?) (Level: 5) Spearow (?) (Level: 5) Paras (?) (Level: 5) x2 Diglett (Alola) (?) (Level: 5) Meowth (Alola) (?) (Level: 5) Abra (?) (Level: 5) x2 Doduo (?) (Level: 5) Grimer (Alola) (?) (Level: 5) Tauros (?) (Level: 5) Ditto (?) (Level: 5) Sentret (?) (Level: 5) Pichu (?) (Level: 5) Igglybuff (?) (Level: 5) Dunsparce (?) (Level: 5) Elekid (?) (Level: 5) Magby (?) (Level: 5) Larvitar (?) (Level: 5) Lunatone (?) (Level: 5) Bagon (?) (Level: 5) x2 Beldum (?) (Level: 5) Combee (?) (Level: 5) Mime Jr. (?) (Level: 5) Drilbur (?) (Level: 5) Venipede (?) (Level: 5) x2 Darumaka (?) (Level: 5) Trubbish (?) (Level: 5) Joltik (?) (Level: 5) Skrelp (?) (Level: 5) Shiny Legends ShinyTornadus (Incarnation) M (Level: 5) ShinyGenesect G (Level: 5) ShinyNihilego G (Level: 5) ShinyArceus (Flame) G (Level: 453) ShinyMesprit G (Level: 5) ShinyAzelf G (Level: 5) ShinyAzelf G (Level: 5) ShinyRegirock G (Level: 206) Maps ShinyRaichu F (Level: 138) ShinyNidoran? (Retro) F (Level: 13) ShinyNidorino (Retro) M (Level: 16) ShinyZubat F (Level: 17) ShinyRhyhorn M (Level: 37) ShinyScyther M (Level: 50) ShinyMagikarp F (Level: 15) ShinyBellossom F (Level: 115) ShinyMarill M (Level: 8) ShinySunkern F (Level: 200) ShinySwinub M (Level: 28) ShinyPiloswine M (Level: 300) ShinyWhismur M (Level: 22) ShinyMakuhita F (Level: 10) ShinySkitty F (Level: 12) ShinyDuskull F (Level: 4) ShinyGlalie (Mega) M (Level: 265) ShinyBurmy (Trash Cloak) M (Level: 14) ShinyBuizel F (Level: 3) ShinyCherubi M (Level: 20) ShinyGlameow M (Level: 301) FT ShinyBasculin (Blue Striped) F (Level: 11) ShinyVanilluxe F (Level: 283) ShinyDeerling (Summer) M (Level: 12) ShinyDeerling (Winter) F (Level: 32) ShinyCryogonal G (Level: 32) ShinyShelmet M (Level: 52) Other ShinyRotom G (Level: 5) ShinySnivy F (Level: 100) ShinyBulbasaur M (Level: 209) ShinyCharizard F (Level: 224) Soulless Rare SoullessTentacool (?) (Level: 5) SoullessAbsol M (Level: 75) SoullessChimchar M (Level: 400) SoullessShieldon M (Level: 40) SoullessCottonee (?) (Level: 5) SoullessPetilil (?) (Level: 5) x4 SoullessTyrunt M (Level: 104) Not as rare SoullessWeedle x8 SoullessVenonat x5 SoullessBellsprout x3 SoullessTentacool x6 SoullessPonyta x15 SoullessGastly x10 SoullessVoltorb x12 SoullessRhyhorn SoullessHorsea x10 SoullessLapras x6 SoullessMareep x15 SoullessUmbreon x4 SoullessSneasel x4 SoullessSkarmory x7 SoullessWurmple x14 SoullessBeautifly SoullessCascoon SoullessDustox SoullessRalts M x4 SoullessRalts F x2 SoullessWailmer x6 SoullessBarboach x17 SoullessShuppet x3 SoullessStarly x7 SoullessBidoof x6 SoullessBidoof x7 SoullessBurmy (Plant Cloak) x5 SoullessGlameow x10 SoullessHappiny x13 SoullessChatot x5 SoullessLeafeon x5 SoullessOshawott x4 SoullessAudino x8 SoullessCottonee x7 SoullessPetilil x8 SoullessScraggy x3 SoullessCryogonal x10 SoullessGolett x5 SoullessNoibat x5 SoullessPikipek x7 SoullessOricorio (Baile) x7 SoullessRockruff x9 SoullessStufful x4 Forest Legends ForestRaikou G (Level: 5) ForestEntei G (Level: 5) ForestArceus (Icicle) G (Level: 461) Other ForestBulbasaur M (Level: 5) ForestCharmander M(Level: 5) ForestSquirtle M (Level: 5) ForestMankey F (Level: 5) x3 ForestFarfetch'd M (Level: 5) ForestSeel M (Level: 2) ForestOnix M (Level: 5) ForestScyther M/F (Level: 5) x7 ForestPorygon G (Level: 113) ForestCyndaquil F (Level: 5) ForestIgglybuff F (Level: 5) x3 ForestTogepi M (Level: 5) ForestNatu M (Level: 8) x2 ForestAipom M (Level: 5) x2 ForestTeddiursa M (Level: 400) ForestSkarmory M (Level: 5)x17 ForestTreecko F (Level: 5) x2 ForestTorchic M (Level: 5) ForestMudkip F (Level: 5) ForestNumel F (Level: 170) ForestZangoose M (Level: 5) ForestSeviper M (Level: 5) ForestLileep M (Level: 5) ForestAnorith M (Level: 5) ForestSnorunt M (Level: 70) ForestBagon F (Level: 5) ForestBeldum G (Level: 5) ForestBudew M (Level: 5) x2 ForestPachirisu F (Level: 400) ForestMime Jr. M (Level: 5) x9 ForestChatot F (Level: 5) ForestMunchlax M (Level: 5) ForestMunna M (Level: 19) ForestThroh M (Level: 5) ForestSawk M (Level: 5) ForestVenipede M (Level: 222) ForestDwebble F (Level: 5) ForestTirtouga M (Level: 5) ForestArchen M (Level: 5) ForestTrubbish F (Level: 5) x2 ForestFlabébé F (Level: 400) ForestFurfrou M (Level: 17) x3 ForestKlefki M (Level: 5) ForestSalandit M (Level: 19) ForestStufful F (Level: 16) ForestDhelmise G (Level: 400) x2 Cloud Legends/Rare Unobs CloudZekrom G (Level: 5) CloudRalts F (Level: 5) CloudMawile F (Level: 5) CloudTrapinch F (Level: 5) CloudSpiritomb M (Level: 5) CloudTimburr M (Level: 5) CloudTimburr F (Level: 15) CloudInkay M (Level: 5) x3 CloudComfey F (Level: 5) Other CloudButterfree M (Level: 102) CloudNidoran♀ F (Level: 5) x2 CloudNidoran♂ M (Level: 5) CloudAbra M (Level: 80) CloudBellsprout F (Level: 5) x9 CloudGeodude F (Level: 5) CloudPonyta M (Level: 5) CloudGrimer M (Level: 400) CloudShellder F (Level: 5) CloudOnix M (Level: 5) x2 CloudScyther F (Level: 5) x3 CloudTauros M (Level: 5) CloudDitto G (Level: 100) x2 CloudHoothoot M (Level: 25) x2 CloudPichu F (Level: 5) x2 CloudCleffa F (Level: 5) x3 CloudMareep M (Level: 5) x2 CloudYanma M (Level: 400) CloudSneasel F (Level: 200) CloudSwinub M (Level: 6) x2 CloudSmeargle M (Level: 400) CloudMiltank F (Level: 5) x2 CloudLotad F (Level: 5) x2 CloudSeedot M (Level: 5) x4 CloudSkitty F (Level: 5) CloudIllumise F (Level: 18) CloudGulpin M (Level: 5) x10 CloudWynaut F (Level: 5) x4 CloudBuneary M (Level: 5) x12 CloudStunky F (Level: 3) x3 CloudMime Jr. M (Level: 5) CloudMunchlax M (Level: 5) CloudRoggenrola M (Level: 5) CloudSewaddle M (Level: 8) x3 CloudDwebble M (Level: 48) x3 CloudVullaby F (Level: 56) CloudFroakie M (Level: 5) CloudBunnelby F (Level: 5) x2 CloudScatterbug F (Level: 5) x3 CloudInkay M (Level: 5) x3 CloudRockruff F (Level: 5) CloudComfey F (Level: 5) CloudSandygast M (Level: 400) CloudMinior (Red) G (Level: 5) CloudMimikyu F (Level: 400) CloudJangmo-o M (Level: 5) x2 Spirit (ordered from oldest to newest) SpiritAerodactyl M (Level: 215) SpiritCastform M (Level: 49) SpiritSandile M (Level: 33) SpiritSandile F (Level: 48) SpiritSandile M (Level: 29) SpiritTyrogue M (Level: 29) SpiritTyrogue M (Level: 20) SpiritSeedot M (Level: 26) SpiritSeedot M (Level: 24) SpiritSeedot F (Level: 47) SpiritBasculin (Red Striped) M (Level: 39) SpiritChimchar M (Level: 30) SpiritChimchar M (Level: 36) SpiritChimchar F (Level: 43) SpiritChimchar M (Level: 28) SpiritSableye F (Level: 40) SpiritSableye M (Level: 38) SpiritJoltik F (Level: 400) SpiritJoltik M (Level: 45) SpiritJoltik F (Level: 26) SpiritMachop M (Level: 35) SpiritKangaskhan F (Level: 36) SpiritKangaskhan F (Level: 21) FT SpiritLitleo M (Level: 33) SpiritLitleo F (Level: 23) SpiritCaterpie F (Level: 47) SpiritTrapinch F (Level: 216) FT SpiritTrapinch F (Level: 47) SpiritSwablu M (Level: 22) SpiritSwablu M (Level: 41) SpiritSwablu M (Level: 188) SpiritSwablu M (Level: 44) SpiritSwablu M (Level: 34) SpiritSpiritomb M (Level: 48) SpiritSpiritomb M (Level: 159) SpiritSpiritomb F (Level: 19) SpiritIgglybuff F (Level: 20) SpiritHo-Oh G (Level: 28) SpiritSkarmory M (Level: 30) Events (ordered from oldest to newest) EventJirachi G (Level: 183) EventMinior (Red) G (Level: 30) EventMissingno. G (Level: 1) EventGalvantula M (Level: 5) EventBeldum G (Level: 5) EventDelibird (?) (Level: 5) EventPorygon G (Level: 1) FAQ: Q: Where do I find a Feebas? A: Fishing off of the bridge in the northeast mountains of Lyrae Coast, to the left of the entrance to Caelum Cavern. Q: Where do I get a Shiny Ticket? A: You need to be at least map level 200 to access Kingdom Locke. Then, you can get a Shiny Ticket by training a pokemon to level 100, or beating 8 gyms in locke mode. |
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Post Count: 15
Join Date: Nov 2016 |
April 16th, 2019 11:32 AM —
RE: lf feebas (and other stuff)
bp/mining/minigame point/training services eventually here |