Daily Events

      Started By: Kora — Created: April 30th, 2018 08:43 AM
April 30th, 2018 08:43 AMDaily Events
I was considering each day of the week have some special bonus for users to encourage them to play. After some time could mix some up here are some things I've been considering I'm looking for suggestions and which options are the most favorable.

+2 Money per pokemon on weekends (Saturday + Sunday)
Half price Retro Safari Tickets
#% Less smelting time
#% More likely to get fossils + gems
#% More secret dungeon coins
#% More BP

I'll be looking into this more to find a proper balanced way to incorporate these possible ideas. What sort of bonuses would you want?

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April 30th, 2018 08:45 AMRE: Daily Events
That sounds pretty nice

I'm looking for a regular rayquaza
April 30th, 2018 08:47 AMRE: Daily Events
EXP Boosts
Increased Shiny Rate From Maps
Increased Shiny Rate From Shops
Showdown Score

Can't really think of anything else but those seem like some good ideas and the ones you listed are also good ideas. :)

April 30th, 2018 08:49 AMRE: Daily Events
Seems like a good idea. I like that the incentives to return aren't anything game destroying and are different than just extra XP or the like. Especially like the idea of extra chances for fossils/gems and the extra currency.

You could offer increased shiny chances, but I don't know how much impact that might have. Another possibility is increased chances for brittle cases, increased minigame points from specific games (captcha, etc), 5% off pickaxe ore requirements...

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April 30th, 2018 08:50 AMRE: Daily Events
1/2 price safari tickets , #% More BP ..I'd like to suggest one of my ideas : 1. Less Traps in Dungeons Day 2. Double Coin Training Day

One day wooper said to me throw me in the sky ... I took em and threw him as hard as I can ( sky was clear blue ) I did not see em since .....
April 30th, 2018 05:07 PMRE: Daily Events
Will definitely keep more people online

looking forward to it if it's updated

May 1st, 2018 12:45 PMRE: Daily Events
Seems like a really nice idea!!! Looking forward to it!!!
Also, maybe also add something like daily/weekly tasks to players like "catch 500 pokemon" or "do x battles" and give them small rewards for it?

EvilSun's Black Market

List of Map Shinies caught

Travis owes me 2.2m

Won 2018's Week of 14 April's WTA WTC
EvilSun's reached map level 1,500! - 20/04/2019
You bought ShinyDiancie! This Pokémon was bought ungendered. - 04/06/2019
EvilSun achieved Trainer Level 14! - 22/05/2020
You bought ShinyHeatran! - 29/05/2020
EvilSun reached Map Level 2,000! -24/11/2021 (only 2 years late xD)
You bought CosmicDeoxys! - 23/12/2021
May 2nd, 2018 06:34 AMRE: Daily Events
I really like this idea.
May 7th, 2018 07:03 PMRE: Daily Events
*makes it rain with +2 moneyz*

my yt channel

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let this be a lesson that you should not get on the staff members nerves...

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