Post Count: 66
Join Date: Jan 2017 |
March 9th, 2018 02:57 PM —
Spelling Errors
The icon next to your name is your Master Title. Master Titles are earned by having the highest level Pokémon of all players in the game, specfic to that Pokémon. They must also be above level 1,000. Master titles are displayed in Chaterpie as a way to show off your Pokémon and your training abilities. You can change them here: Master Title. 1. Specfic --> specific 2.Level 1,000 --> 100 Add other spelling errors down below. --CURRENTLY INACTIVE--
READ POST: Doing training jobs for 1-1.5k per Bill. Current jobs: none! Waiting List: None! finished: Life's Cl.Togepi 25B to lv. 551 |